Vista, empowering a world of cinema

2000X550px Matrix

No more dodging bullets

About Vista

Which is why 50% of the world's cinemas choose Vista

We weren't just looking for a vendor to supply a new technology for our Point of Sale system. We were looking for a ‘partner’ for our growing technology needs. With the advanced tools that Vista offers such as Cinema Stats and Head Office Dashboard, Vista is not only a leader in the technology space, but a welcome partner to help achieve our goals as we grow.

Joseph Masher, COO, Bow Tie Cinemas

Vista is a fully customizable cinema enterprise system

An integrated, scalable, modular and powerful way to boost your box office, fine-tune operations, and understand more about your business than ever before.


Technology and software that keeps you ahead

Multiple modules and unrelenting innovation extends to our services; we’re there to help, every step, now and in the future.


Join Vista’s great journey to design the world’s best cinema experience

We’re always on the lookout for exceptional people to join our fellowship.

Careers with Vista

Why Vista for your cinema?

Han Solo

Because we just love the movies, we fight for the world's best cinemas

We started from a joint venture with a global cinema company in 1996. We've grown to be the largest cinema software solutions provider in the world by living cinema ever since.

Learn more about Vista