Lumiere Pavilions, China, July 2014

Lumiere Pavilions, a high-end cinema investment company in China, is regarded as a trendsetter within its industry. The company’s global vision is to become an international corporate brand of the highest standard by delivering an ‘unforgettable cinema experience’.

Vista’s cutting edge cinema technology was the perfect complement to Lumiere’s vision, with systems and modules to keep Lumiere a market leader.

Lumiere has full confidence in Vista’s capabilities. We want to stay the public’s number one choice for movie-going, and Vista’s products deliver us the tools to achieve this. Through the adoption of their evolving technologies, Vista allows us to continue to develop our innovative ideas, reach more people, [and] deliver the best experience for our customers.

Jimmy Wu, Founder, Lumiere Pavilions

The partnership with Lumiere was exciting for Vista; Lumiere is a significant player in the Chinese market with a pioneering approach to adopting new ways of doing business.

To help achieve Lumiere's vision, Vista’s software gurus immersed themselves in Lumiere’s culture and operations.

The benefits of working with Vista exceeded expectations. Lumiere found the Vista system was more nimble and proactive than other ticketing systems in China. The enormous flexibility of the Head Office module made for precise, efficient, and centralised management.

Vista's Film Programming module allowed movie pricing and restrictions to be controlled by Lumiere Headquarters, whilst allowing individual cinema sites to develop schedules based on their local knowledge and market demand.

Through Vista’s Vouchers & Gift Cards system, Lumiere’s marketing and operational teams gained access to valuable customer statistics. When paired with the Loyalty System, V&GC facilitated the creation of a robust membership programme and precisely targeted promotions.

Now, we can readily analyse our market on many levels.This greater understanding of what our customers want means we have been able to develop membership programme initiatives that increase numbers and more importantly, retain customer loyalty – ‘stickability’.

Leon Zhao, IT Director, Lumiere Pavilions

Following their love of innovative ideas and advanced technologies, Lumiere became the first cinema chain in China to provide its management with the ability to monitor cinema performance from iOS devices using Vista’s Cinema Stats application. Lumiere’s management now have visibility to support and assist remote cinema sites to help them work towards Lumiere’s vision.

Lumiere continues to seek ways to expand its business, with market-leading service provision remaining the focus. Vista’s technology, advanced tools, cinema software heroes, and constantly evolving approach to business all have a role to play.

About Lumiere Pavilions

The cinema investment company, China Plex/Lumiere Pavilions, was founded by Jimmy Wu and Jane Shao in 2007. Mr Wu has an extensive background in cinema design and management, and in conjunction with the Smile Group, built China’s first two multiplex cinemas during the 1990s.

Ms Shao’s career began in investment banking and investment management. She has been involved in the film production business, working with Mr Wu on the critically acclaimed movie “Curiosity Kills the Cat”.

Today, Lumiere Pavilions specialises in the construction and operation of high-end cinemas in China. Lumiere has achieved significant success and acknowledgement from both consumers and partners. Their vision to become an international corporate brand sees them adopting innovative ideas, advanced technologies, and unique business processes. They use best practices and comply with international standards in design, construction, technology, content, and service to deliver an ‘unforgettable cinema experience’.