Take sales to the seats with Serve – your waitstaff’s handheld ordering application that turns them into sales connoisseurs in a flash.



Serve is a mobile application dedicated to advanced ordering. It takes the functionality of Point of Sale into the theatre itself for excellent restaurant dining experiences with a simple, easy-to-use interface focused on easily driving sales. Serve was built in partnership with our customers, so you can be sure that it’s designed just right for you.


  • Turn your waitstaff into sales specialists with prompts and suggestions for all upselling opportunities, and guidance for providing the best customer service.
  • Save on training costs, as Serve is easy to learn and use right from the beginning.
  • EMV payment capability allows for fast and simple transactions. Serve supports all common payment methods, including PayWave.
  • Lower costs and requirements for both the hardware and software compared to other devices available on the market.
  • First-class citizen of the Vista product family, seamless integration with your existing Vista configuration. 



 "Why not use mobile technology and build a dedicated F&B app for the waitstaff process too?"

Tearlach Hutcheson, Senior Director of Film at SMG 

Serve Product Sheet Case Study with Studio Movie Grill


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