
Partner with Vista Digital to create a rich, responsive website that matches your brand vision and truly sets your cinema apart.

  • A responsive and highly customisable website that is exactly suited to your circuit’s business needs, brand vision, and guest experience.
  • Deep integration with the full Vista stack gets live film and ticketing updates automatically from your cinemas, with changes reflected on your website in real time to optimise sales.
  • Powerful website performance with reduced load times, managed upgrades, responsive designs, and mobile optimisation.
  • Full support and hosting from Vista Digital means you don’t have to engage a third party or retain web development teams to get the website you want.

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Making online an experience.

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Put the power in the palm of your guests’ hands with Mobile – an intuitive flow to connect their cinema experience from start to finish.

  • Free up your staff and empower your guests throughout their cinema experience.
  • Self-service focused actions including in-seat delivery and booking refunding that guests can perform for themselves to take the pressure off your support teams.
  • Integration with Loyalty allows in-app incentives, deals, promotions, and connections that allow members to earn, spend, and check point balances within the app.
  • Vista Mobile is ready to go right away, and Connect enables you to turn features on and off, without the need of re-publishing to app stores to perform changes.

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Vista Mobile

Everything cinema - whenever, wherever.

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Kiosk sets a new standard for customer self-service devices. Shorten queues, keep your guests coming in, and even promote your cinema remotely with various customer-friendly possibilities.

  • Reduce wait times and queues for your customers during rush periods and reduce staff costs by using kiosks in times of high admission.
  • Expand brand exposure and encourage foot traffic to your sites by deploying Kiosk as a promotional tool in places away from your cinema.
  • Drive sales of premium seating areas with seat-first ordering, as patrons choose the best seats rather than the cheapest tickets.
  • Offer advanced food and beverage selection and in-seat delivery options. 
  • Encourage loyalty sign-up by prompting Loyalty connection at the start of kiosk bookings.
  • Share hardware costs between your Kiosk and POS: if the idea of Kiosk is attractive, but not the cost of the machine itself, transform a POS touchscreen into a Kiosk in a flash.

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Self-service for your front lines.

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Digital Signage

Immerse your audience in the world of your cinema with real-time information and media across all signage - customised signs, blockbuster trailers, sweeping takeovers, you name it!

  • Set and forget! Fully integrated with Vista, Digital Signage automatically gathers all the data needed to display real-time information.
  • Digital Signage retrieves content from your database and populates your templates in real time – create a “Blockbuster Trailer” slot and let Digital Signage find the biggest film of the moment.
  • With customisable Menu Boards and dynamic item pricing, you can show off your menu in style, as well as displaying order statuses or updates to food availability.
  • Say goodbye to the need for manual updates with up-to-the-minute session information, including film formats, session properties, actors, opening dates, censor ratings, and synopses.
  • Integrated with UsherPoint, Digital Signage enables ushers or managers to alter signage from their device in the midst of a busy multiplex foyer.
  • Customise signage content to suit any digital screen in your cinema.

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Digital Signage

The window to your cinema world.

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CXM (Customer Experience Manager)

Redefine your guests' experience with with dynamic, tailored and personalised content.

  • Create truly unique, personalised experiences for your customers.
  • Dynamically change elements of pricing, deals, layout, advertising, and all manner of how your customers experience your cinema and sales channels.
  • Promote opportunities to engage your customers with different products – tailor deals and promotions to encourage your customers’ purchase of premium products. 
  • Adjust your cinema experience to suit the moment; change pricing when it rains, promote ice cream deals in a heat wave.
  • Set rules that respond to certain conditions in the world or the customer to produce changes automatically on a basic level to encourage and affect your customers.

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A dynamic engine to create a tailored experience for each customer.

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Living Ticket

Living digital tickets can evolve and adapt to your customer. By sending cloud hosted digital tickets to your moviegoers through email or SMS, you create an easy-to-reference point of information for your moviegoers that can change and develop – we call this the Living Ticket.


  • Save on costs and reduce environmental impact of printing traditional tickets on paper.
  • Provide flexibility for your customers in how they receive and use their movie tickets.
  • Enhance your moviegoers’ experiences through the evolution of the Living Ticket.
  • The Living Ticket’s coloured background changes when the show is admitting, for cinemas who don’t want barcode scanners.
  • Track customers’ purchase history alongside their contact information to build a ‘customer journey’ that can inform future interactions.

To learn more about Living Ticket, click here.

  • Living Ticket One Sheet PDF file size 969KB


Loyalty can turn your moviegoers into a devoted returning audience with specific, tailored marketing campaigns, customisable reward systems, and a network of deep integrations in a consolidated cinema-centred loyalty system.

  • Develop powerful ongoing reward programs that differentiate your cinema, attract customers, nurture consistency, and increase spend per visit.
  • Build customer loyalty and provide personalised incentives based on their behaviour.
  • Recognise trends in behaviour records and create highly-targeted campaigns for specific demographic groups.
  • Seamless integration with other Vista products allowing access to rewards, memberships, concessions, points, and promotions, across multiple sales channels.
  • Consolidate your CRM system and marketing campaign management into one easy-to-use space developed specifically for the cinema industry.
  • Vista Group partner Movio enables enhanced execution of targeted campaigns.

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Hoyts Australia

Hoyts' award winning loyalty program came about through their installation of Vista, including its Loyalty module, and later working hand in hand with Vista Group company Movio.



Inspire your audience. Keep them coming back for more.

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Turn your moviegoers into repeat customers.

Offering absolute flexibility, best-in-class customer experience, and full control over your sales channels and valuable data, Subscriptions is the ultimate solution to shape tailored offers that efficiently bring moviegoers back to your cinema again and again.

  • Boost your revenue through a recurring income stream and increased visitation
  • Provide seamless customer experiences thanks to native integration with the full Vista suite 
  • Create truly unique offers with this feature-rich, highly customisable solution
  • Keep full control over your moviegoer journey, sales channels, and data

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Movie. Popcorn. Repeat.

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Read the full "behind the scenes" story of our exciting subscription project.